RECAP of Landry's first two weeks: Blair and I arrived at the hospital at 5:30am. I was prepped with my IV, etc. within 30 mins and was able to hang out with Blair and my family until they wheeled me into the operating room at 7:30 (Oma, Opa, and Uncle Patrick came in from Amarillo on Sunday for the birth and stayed until Tuesday - Oma and Opa are German for grandpa and grandma and it's what my parents are called). I was awake and alert by 9:00, but didn't get to meet Landry until about 10:15 when I was taken to my room and they brought him in to me. Daddy had already accompanied him to the nursery where he was warmed, bathed, given his vitamin K shot and swaddled. Blair stayed each night with us and barely ever left my side. We were released from the hospital that Thursday and part of me couldn't believe we were actually getting to take home this perfect little boy - he was ours to keep!!!
Oma, Opa, Aunt Christy and Jonathan came back that Friday to spend the weekend with us... Ireland had a sleepover that Friday night, but came to stay the weekend with us that Saturday morning. She loves her little brother so much and has been a huge help! Blair's mom & sister are coming in from Louisiana the Wednesday before Thanksgiving - we can't wait for them to meet the baby!!!
The week after we got home from the hospital we had dinner brought to us EVERY night by several of our friends - what a wonderful blessing!
Landry has already had his one week & two week check-ups and everything is just perfect. He weighed 7lbs 6oz at his two week check-up, so he's gained back his birth weight plus some! Keep it up Mr. Landry!
Last belly pic - taken at the hospital:
Landry's 1st Weigh-In:
Mommy holding Landry for the 1st time:
Daddy & his little guy:
Ireland meeting her little brother for the 1st time:
Ireland loving on Landry:
Opa & Landry:
Uncle Patrick and his nephew/godson:
A very proud & happy Oma with her grandson:
Ben came to the hospital Monday evening to meet Landry:
There are plenty more pictures, but I just don't have the time right now to get them posted - I will though! Below are pics of the nursery. The shelves in his room are still a work in progress...