My grandma (my mom's mom) passed away on February 3, 2010, which also happened to be Ireland's 8th birthday. My Gram had been extremely healthy & active for most of her life, even in her 70's she could run circles around my lazy butt. She raised 6 kids while moving every 2-3 years as a military wife, and was one of my favorite people.
She moved in with my family when I was in elementary school while we were stationed in Kansas. I still remember how she was the one to give us baths at night and that she would tickle our feet while drying them off. One of her favorite stories from that time was when she had rented a video for us kids, based solely on the cute, cuddly creatures she saw on the cover. When she came into the living room to check on us, she said we were all hiding behind the coffee table, covering our eyes. She had rented Gremlins for us! I know that sounds like nothing much now, but in the 80's, it was considered a horror flick! Gremlins were being microwaved & blown up, etc. - very traumatic. I also remember that whenever I wanted her to, she would braid my hair before school...
My Gram was 80 when she passed away, leaving behind 5 children, and so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I can't even count! I am just so sad that she was not able to meet Landry, although very grateful she at least saw pictures of him. I am also grateful that we traveled to Atlanta last summer to celebrate her 80th birthday, although extremely sad that I didn't spend more time with her. I know I took for granted that she would always be around and I hate that.
Love you bunches Gram ~ your Bethy Bee.