Landry's 1st birthday was a lot of fun and yes, a lot of work! (side note for future reference: actual date of party was Oct. 30th) But let's face it, parties those first couple of years are more for us as parents than for the kid. Landry had NO idea why all those people were in his house, making noise, acting crazy, etc. He thought it was pretty cool, but had no clue they were all there for him :)
These were little party favors I made (I totally stole the idea from a stranger's blog). They were little "s'mores" with tags reading things like "A baby no s'more, our little boy is 1", etc. I felt I needed to do something "crafty" for my baby's first b-day. Speaking of which, I could NOT find invitations I liked, so I ended up making them. It was fun and they turned out great, if I do say so myself. I even used stick glue. If you know me at all, you'd know that's a huge accomplishment ;)

Landry didn't know what to think of the smash cake... he hardly messed with it. His one chance to go crazy and he didn't take us up on it. He'll regret it.

Side note #2 - Landry started taking steps right before his 1st birthday! Took him about 2-3 weeks to turn into a full time walker, but he's officially a Toddler now. sniff. sniff. This is a pic of him after he took a few steps to me the night of his birthday party.