August 11th - Mosaic Shower
Blair's co-workers threw him a surprise shower while they were all in Bentonville, AR for meetings. Blair was completely caught off guard, which is difficult to accomplish, and proceeded to have a great time at the full-blown baby shower they had set up - complete with an LSU diaper cake, gifts, snacks, and games! Thank you Game-On team!
LSU Diaper Cake:
LSU (edible) Cake:
Blair holding up just one of the adorable onesies we received:
September 19th - Amarillo Shower
Our shower in Amarillo was so much fun! It was a really short weekend for us, Blair, Ireland & I drove up on Friday and had to leave on Sunday, but it was so good to see everyone! Sarah even flew in from Phoenix to help host! Thanks again to Mom, Christy, Tasha, Katie, Sarah and Linda for hosting this shower for us! And thank you to all of our family & friends who were able to attend!
Mom & Ireland before we left for the shower:
Christy and her friend Amberlee did an incredible job on the diaper cake!!
Beautiful and Delicious lemon cake!
Hostesses (from left to right): Tasha, Christy, Sarah, (Me), Linda, Mom, & Katie
October 9th - FM Global Shower
My co-workers also threw a shower for little Landry and again we were showered with such thoughtfulness and generosity! Thank you to everyone!
Blair & I with the oh-so-cute and oh-so-yummy cake!
Blair & I at the front of the room, in front of everyone, waiting to open gifts... a little awkward ;)
Rusty's gift with personalized wrapping! Too funny!
October 10th - Lantana Shower
Our good friends, Carol Francis, Patty Young, and Kaysha Sparling, threw us a local shower so that our friends in the area could get together for a fun, girly afternoon! Everyone drank mimosas - they even had non-alcholic wine for me - which I made believe was the real thing :) - talked, ate, and cooed over the two adorable babies that were there - Miss Payton & Miss Cardyn.
Yet another Beautiful and Delicious cake!!!
Keith & Jackson Sparling had an LSU growth stick made for Landry - this will be the perfect way to track our little tiger's growth over the years to come - too cute!
Miss Payton Cargill was the perfect little helper! It feels just like yesterday that I was at Shanna's shower celebrating Payton's impending arrival, and that's been almost a year ago - where does the time go?
Hostesses (from left to right): Carol, (Me), Patty, & Kaysha
Thank you so much for letting Payton come to your shower. We both had a blast. Also, I don't know how big of a "help" she was. Unless, you think tearing tissue paper into little pieces and then throwing a fit when I took them away from her before she could eat them as a help. Just wait......... you will be in the same boat in a couple of months and loving every minute of it. I can't wait for Landry to get here.