Just a few updates (pictures will follow... at some point... in the near future... I hope)
LandryThe baby will be 11 months old tomorrow! Which is absolutely crazy because it feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with him... and I loved being pregnant! I loved being able to feel him move inside me and I loved having him all to myself (selfish I know). But I absolutely love having him here to love and hold more than anything! And I'm sharing him with others pretty well :) He'll be ONE in just one short, tiny, it'll-be-here-before-we-know-it month. Very exciting and yet just a little sad. Where does the time go? He'll be off to Harvard or Yale or LSU before we can blink. So, I'm going to stop dwelling on it right now and focus on the present.
* Landry's first tooth finally surfaced about 2 weeks ago. It only took about ten and 1/2 months! I was starting to worry if our health insurance covered baby dentures...
* He had his first stomach flu about a month ago. Fun times, let me tell you. Blair was out of town for the projectile vomiting, but came back in time for the 5 days of diarrhea diapers. And I am still totally shocked at how fast diaper rash comes on! We sometimes were literally changing his diapers every 10 minutes and the poor baby still developed a bad rash. On day 5, things started getting much better, including his little bum. Sidenote: Ireland & I also got sick, but ours lasted only about 24 hours. Bad thing is that Ireland's sickness started at 4:30am at a friend's house. Kris received "the call" and had to go get her, poor thing! (that description is for both Ireland and Kris).
* Little man started eating solid foods just this past Sunday! Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. He actually has an Occupational Therapy evaluation on Monday, the 4th. At 9 months, we had started giving him puffs, mashed potatoes, rice, etc. but any time he felt something solid in his mouth, he would start gagging and eventually throw up. Since he hadn't made any progress, until a few days ago, his doc thought it was time to help him out a little. We love Dr. Aimee and trust her 100% and if she thought it was time to intervene, we were all about it. We're keeping the appt on Monday and will see what the OT says.
* In case I hadn't blogged about this earlier, he has been crawling, pulling up on everything, and standing by himself for a few months. Ireland has predicted he will be walking before his first birthday - we shall see!
* He has been saying "dada" for a long time, but since I don't think he equates it to Blair (everything is dada!), it doesn't count as his first word. He has starting saying "bye-bye" and waving his hands at the same time, so I think this will go down in the record books as his first official word. We think he is also saying "ball" and "uh-oh", but there is still no hope in sight of "mama" :(
Ireland* Ireland is back in school (3rd grade) and loving every minute of it! Having an incredible teacher like Mrs. Moore helps :)
* Cheerleading started back up just this week and she was so excited! Her teacher has told her she thinks she is one of the best and moved her to the All-Star squad with the older girls :)
* She is riding her bike w/o training wheels - Yahoo!! She had learned how to ride last Spring, but hadn't practiced much throughout the summer. Now that Fall is here (hallelujah!), Blair took her back out last week and she is doing great!
* Little Miss has more of a social life than we do. She is constantly invited to her friend's houses for play dates and/or sleepovers and vice versa. I think she is having the time of her little life this year!
* Most importantly, Ireland continues to be the BEST big sister to Landry! It's so great to see how much they love each other.
Blair & Beth* My mom finally set up the camera we bought for her computer - back in March for her b-day - so we've been Skyping for the past couple of weeks. It's actually really easy and has been really fun being able to see the family and for them to see Landry & Ireland. Now we just have to get Tammy, Blair's sister, on board...
* Football Season is here! Which is Blair's favorite season. 'Tis the season of Purple & Gold, beer drinking, friendly wagering, yelling at the TV hoping that Les Miles will finally get a clue, and trash talking between good friends. Merry Football Watching to All and to All Who Follow College Football, May God be with their Wives! (don't get me wrong. I love watching football. Or at least the teams I have an interest in. Blair has an interest in EACH & EVERY game being shown)
* Fall TV Programming is here! This is my favorite season. Except now that Mr. Landry is here, I don't have time to catch up on everything I have recorded. It seems as though I'm going to have to let some shows go, but I'm not ready to say goodbye quite yet...
Wow. Sorry this post is so lengthy. That's what I get, and my few readers have to endure, for waiting so long between posts. I will try very hard to get on here more often. Hmmm, how many times have I made that promise? I'll probably break this one too. I suck.