Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why can't I learn to like coffee?

Landry has been sleeping through the night for quite a while now (yea!!!). And I don't mean just 4-5 hours at a time (which is technically sleeping through the night, which is just crazy to me)... I mean he has his bedtime feeding around 9:00pm, he's sleeping in his cradle by 9:30-9:45, and he doesn't wake again until around 5:00am. He's also had quite a few mornings where he's slept until 6:30ish, even 8:00! We've been really blessed so far, so I'm not complaining below... really I'm not.

So having said all of that, we're not used to getting up in the middle of the night anymore. Since I've returned to work Blair has been getting up with Landry for his morning bottle (I love my husband!), so he offered his services at 3:00am when Landry decided, for some strange reason, to be wide awake (he had been pretty restless all night). But I knew that Blair wasn't feeling well so I got up with my baby, which was actually pretty nice because I don't get to see him before I leave for work each morning. Blair takes him to daycare...

Anyway, Landry was back down by 3:30, but I'm definitely feeling it now that I'm at work. I NEED coffee, but I HATE coffee. That's a problem.

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