Our little piglet, I mean our little guy, weighed 12 lbs 6 oz and had grown to 23 inches! He moved from the 10-25 percentile in height & weight to the 50-75 percentile! Dr. Aimee, who we just adore, confirmed what we've known the whole time - he's just perfect!
He also received his first set of vaccines which he handled pretty well. Don't get me wrong, he did the whole red-faced, no sound coming out, hysterical cry, but by the time the nurse administered all three shots, got the band-aids on and I was able to pick him up, he had pretty much recovered.
Stats since birth:
Birthday - Ht: 19", Wt: 7 lbs, 2 oz
One Week - Ht: 19", Wt: 6 lbs, 13 oz
Two Weeks - Ht: 19.5", Wt: 7 lbs, 6 oz
Two Months - Ht: 23", Wt: 12 lbs, 6 oz
Poor little guy, he was so happy waiting on the examination table. He had no idea what he was in for...
He is precious (and huge). :)